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China condemns U.S for delisting of ETIM as terrorist organization
China slams US for delisting Xinjiang’s ETIM as terrorist outfit
Chinese envoy calls for redesignation of ETIM as terrorist organization
US "De-listed" Anti-China ETIM Terror Org BACK from the Dead
China condemns Pompeo over religion remarks
Police officer slain in own home by terrorist in China's Xinjiang
The black hand — ETIM and terrorism in Xinjiang CGTN
US removes shadowy group condemned by China from terror list - Times of India
US Removes East Turkestan Islamic Movement from terror list, Condemned by China | by Fayyaz Khan
Austrian Interior Ministry: All 15 held are part of radical Islamist scene
Congress Leaders Shares Stage With Terrorist Organisation
Global wine and spirits giant Pernod Ricard aims high in China